Precision color matching

Precision color matching

Get it right the first time

U-TECH benefits from AkzoNobel’s advanced technology and latest digital color tools, helping you match colors with greater accuracy and efficiency. This cuts your total throughput time and labor costs at every stage. The result? Greater profits.

Performance and value in a simple system

MIXIT™. Millions of colors at your fingertips

MIXIT™ is AkzoNobel's advanced color identification and retrieval application. It gives you instant, simple access to our database of more than two million colors and variants – with more being added every day. Because MIXIT™ uses a cloud-based system, it is easily accessed from any device or platform - from desktop to mobile phone.

Compact system. Wide-ranging benefits

Automatchic™. Fast, easy and accurate

Automatchic™ is AkzoNobel’s pioneering hand-held spectrophotometer. Used with our extensive database it gives you the most accurate color-matching system available. This means you’re far less likely to have matching errors so you won’t waste time carrying out reworks.

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